On Tue, 2006-03-21 at 19:28 -0500, Francisco Reyes wrote:
> Following the tutorial I completed up to "python manage.py install polls". 
> The tutorial doesn't explain how to actually see what one has done so far 
> and moves to playing with the API.
> How do I view the poll?

At the point that you have just run 'manage.py install polls', there is
nothing to view yet. This is explained in the tutorial immediately after
the command itself:

        "Behind the scenes, all that command does is take the output of
        ``python manage.py sqlall polls`` and execute it in the database
        pointed-to by your Django settings file."
but it may not be clear that that there should be no expectation of a
website existing at this point. You have created the model and database
tables, only.

The next section in the tutorial then explains how to use what you have
so far from the Python prompt. Part 2 of the tutorial explains how to
set up the admin application (which is an optional component in Django,
and has to be enabled) so that you can use a web interface to add poll
items, etc.

Read ahead a little bit from where you are now if you want to get a
feeling for the bigger picture. It is exceedingly difficult to write
tutorials or user manuals so that they work both as something that can
be followed immediately at the computer without looking ahead a
paragraph or two *and* so that audiences of a wide variety of experience
levels are accommodated.

> Any better tutorials anyone would recommend? I find the installation and 
> tutorials in the django site leave much to be desired. :-( 

Although the documentation is continually being worked on (and somewhat
secondary to some of the current development work at the moment, since
otherwise we would be documenting a highly moving target), the tutorials
are usually found to be quite useful.

That being said, if you find some things are unclear that might be
improved with concrete suggestions ("leaves much to be desired" does not
give us any pointers about what could be clarified or where you are
having difficulties). And patches are accepted. If you think it might be
useful to have a "here is where we are going", write up a few paragraphs
that could be added in and make a ticket (via the django website) so
that your patch can be incorporated. Somebody coming to Django for the
first time is in a better position to write this stuff than people who
have been using the framework for months, since the latter group are too
familiar with it to remember where the early learning curve is a bit too
steep (and because things have changed a bit since the very early
adopters started)


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