PythonistL wrote:
> In my program I use something like this:
> #########
> ....
> ...
> for Field in manipulator.fields:

it's an instance, not a class (Python's convention is to use CamelCase
for classes and all_lowers for instances).

>                 #do something
>       print Field
>                .....
> ......
> #########
> print Field  there
> can print the correct value that is e.g.
> <input type="text" id="id_Pieces_4" class="vIntegerField"
> name="Pieces_4" size="4" value="" maxlength="4" />
> but because Field is  an instance I can not use that in
> further processing e.g.
> string.replace(Field ,'id=','disabled id=')

use 'disabled="disabled"' (xhtml compatibility)

And : this is not "because field is an instance", this is "because field
is not a string" (hint: *everything* in Python is an instance).

> Is there any solution to my problem that is how to replace any text in
> the Field?

s/'text in the field'/'string generated by the field's __str__() method'/

Sorry if I look overly pedantic, but correct naming is the prerequisite
to correct understanding.

Depends on what you're trying to achieve. If you want to get the text
generated by the field's __str__() method, modify this text, then use
it, you can do something like:

tags = []
for field in manipulator.fields:
  tags.append(str(field).replace('id=', 'disabled="disabled" id=')

But this won't impact the field object itself, so further calls to
field.__str__ will be as usual.

Another solution would be to subclass Fields classes and write your own
manipulators, but this would require a lot of (boring) work.

Yet another solution solution (and a far better one IMHO) is to take
advantage of Python's delegation mechanisms and use the decorator
pattern (nb : not tested):

class DisabledField(object):
  def __init__(self, field):
    self._field = field

  def __str__(self):
    return str(self._field).replace('id=', 'disabled="disabled" id=')

  def __getattr__(self, name):
    return getattr(self._field, name)

for id, field in enumerate(manipulator.fields):
  manipulator.fields[id] = DisabledField(field)

Then you can use your manipulator as usual.

My 2 cents...
bruno desthuilliers

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