On Tue, Mar 28, 2006 at 11:11:58AM -0600, Adrian Holovaty wrote:
> Alternatively (or maybe additionally), we could have a separate
> downloadable tarball of all the docs in HTML format, with all the CSS
> and images. I would prefer not to include all of that in the main
> Django distribution, because it's a lot of cruft.

Regardless of whether you include all the html/css or not, or the
ability to create it after you un-tar a release package, the key point
I was trying to make is:

  The portion of the online doc covering the models (at
  http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/models/ ) is a critical and
  absolutely necessary part of the documentation as it now exists.

  The examples are not merely "examples", they include some
  documentation that does not appear anywhere else in the docs.

Making the html/css or even pdf a separate download component is fine,
but the docs as part of the base tar file of Django must include all
the docs -- and that must include the example docs too.  ---OR--- the
docs need to be rewriten to bring the documentation aspects of all the
examples into the "docs" another way.


Glenn Tenney

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