I think the problem is that urlconf provides a url => view mapping.
Really though, for creating the links, we need the reverse mapping.  We
usually know the view we want to display, but don't know it's URL.

For example, you have a bulletin board app:

urlpatterns = patterns(''
    '^comments/(\d+)/', 'sample.bboard.view_comment')

def view_comment(id):
    comment = Comment.objects.get(id)
    responses = comment.responses.all()
    render_to_response('template', {'comment': comment, 'responses':

Currently, you could define the template like this:
{% for response in responses %}
<a href="{{ response.get_absolute_url }}">{{ response.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}

But, really, all you want is a tag like this:
{% for response in responses %}
<a href="{% view_function_url 'sample.bboard.view_comment' response.id
%}">{{ response.title}}</a>

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