On 3/30/06, yml <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is an amazing tip. I didn't know that I could print messages in
> the runserver console.
> I was missing that a lot. this is eaxcltly were the problem is for some
> unknown reason the information is correct in new_data but when I am
> retrieving new_data['localisation'] I got only the last piece of the
> list.
> In the example below new_data['localisation'] transform ['1','2'] en 2
> ==========
> trace in the runserver console
> =============
> Starting server on port 8000 with settings module
> 'votreservice.settings'.
> Go to for Django.
> Quit the server with CONTROL-C (Unix) or CTRL-BREAK (Windows).
> new_data contains : <MultiValueDict: {'memberShipLevel': ['1'],
> 'gender': ['1'], 'pseudo': ['test_print'], 'localisation': ['1',
> 2'], 'phonenumber': [''], 'address': [''],
> 'want_to_publised_personal_info': [False]}>
> new_data['localisation'] contains : 2
> [30/Mar/2006 11:34:53] "POST /profiles/create_manip/ HTTP/1.1" 302 0
> [30/Mar/2006 11:34:53] "GET /profiles/ HTTP/1.1" 200 2896
> Validating models...
> 0 errors found.

So you should trace where the new_data['localisation'] be changed.

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