tonemcd wrote:
> That's a really good screencast - the Java-based frameworks come out
> particularly badly (but the author is looking more at the rapid
> applications development model, where multiple XML configs and
> compiling certainly doesn't help matters)
> I was surprised at how well Zope (Plone actually) comes out of it.

and i have the feeling that well... at the beginning Zope/Plone might 
seem perfect, but there are some shortcomings ...not really 
shortcomings, but different (from django) decisions that the zope 
creators made:

- zodb. they are using an object database, which is a mixed blessing.
        - it's great because you can just store objects in it. there's no need 
to think in model-classes (simple classes). you just work with python 
objects, and they get persisted
        - on the other hand, zodb is quite a blackbox. with django, your data 
are in a relational database, where a table is a table is a table. there 
are several tools (gui ones and also command-line ones) to access a 
relational db, to back them up, to dump/restore them etc. for zodb there 
aren't that many.

- the management "gui". (where he creates for example that 
python-script). it looks great, and it's great to play around with. but 
after some time problems start to arise:
        - your scripts are now in the zodb. so, how do you version-control them?
        - how will several developers work on the files?
        - how will you migrate the changes from the development-instances to 
the release-servers?
        - the usual answer to these questions on the forums is to not store 
your scripts in the zodb (you can also store them on the filesystem), 
and to not to rely on the gui stuff. but then what's the point of the gui?

yes, i had to work for some time with zope, and right now i think i 
enjoy much more the "thin" approach that django chose.

p.s: of course, i'm not bashing zope there. it's a different 
architecture, with different goals. and django's approach suits me 
better. that's all.


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