falcon wrote:
>  I still believe that
> many 'developers' could benefit from defining simple to moderately
> complex models on the web.  If code needs to get more complex,
> developers can just switch back to using models.py.

I have gone in a different direction. I have written a tool to parse
the models file and use that info (along with some hints that I embed
in comments) to generate rules to drive pre-existing data extraction
software. I then use the same info to generate code that takes the
results of the data extraction process and loads it into the Django
database. (The loader runs continuously as I manage data coming in from
factories that run 24/7/365 at several locations around the globe.)

I am still proving this stuff out and tuning performance, but the early
experiements have worked out well. I am contemplating the possibility
of recasting this code into a mini-framework that could conceivably be
contributed to the Django project in the future.

My other challenge, which is only partially implemented at this moment,
is automating the cloning process. Before I change my models using the
tools above, I want to clone my existing Django system to another
server (database and all) so that my users can keep using a static
snapshot of my system even as I reload the factory data and create new
views for the newly added model fields. Ideally I would also configure
Apache to send the user to the right server depending on the state of
the main system.

Fun stuff, eh? Hard to believe I get paid to do this stuff.

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