On Thursday 04 May 2006 18:41, James Bennett wrote:
> Per the model documentation, 'blank=False' does only apply when
> entering a value in the admin[1]. 

Well, "If a field has blank=True, validation on Django's admin site will allow 
entry of an empty value." was not explicit enough for me to understand that 
it was only the case in the admin interface. I assumed it would occur 
unconditionally, according to models properties, no matter what application 
objects are created in. Perhaps it would be worth to mention explicitly that 
this option has effect (for now) in the admin interface only.

> But that's not a very satisfying 
> answer, so here's a fuller explanation of what's going on in your
> examples:
> The key difference here is between 'blank=False', which applies only
> to the admin app, and 'null=False', which applies to the database. By
> default, a field's 'null' attribute is False, which means the DB
> column generated from the model will not accept a value of NULL. You'd
> think this would result in an error when you try to save any field
> with a null value, but this is actually dependent on the *type* of
> field, which is why there's an apparent inconsistency.
> A CharField translates to a Python string, which means that when you
> don't enter a value it translates to an empty string. Which, because
> it's not the value NULL, is accepted by the DB. An IntegerField,
> however, translates to a Python int, which does not have an "empty"
> variation as strings do, so I'd imagine that not filling it in results
> in conversion to... NULL. Which the DB rejects.

I had such an intuition, but your detailed explanation clarified it to me.  

> So long as you're only using the admin app to create objects, this
> will be fine, but if objects are going to be created from other views
> you'll want to set up a custom manipulator which raises an exception
> when the CharField is left blank or, if you're going to be creating
> objects programmatically as in your examples with the Python
> interpreter, you'll want to override the model's save() method to make
> it raise an exception when the incoming value for the CharField is an
> empty string

Right, it makes sense. However, I would continue to think that enforcing 
objects 'limitations' in the admin interface only could lead to mistakes. And 
that creating custom validation procedures for other views is an unneeded 
overhead for the developer: it could be done in the framework, since models 
already have many different types of properties, each with its own kind of 
limitation. So I would found natural to validate properties values when you 
do save() rather than only implement them in a specific application.

Don't misinterpret me here, it's not moronic criticism, I'm really amazed by 
django possibilities, and I'd only like to highlight the 'perfectionist' side 
of the motto. :)

Best regards,
Kilian CAVALOTTI                      Administrateur réseaux et systèmes
UPMC / CNRS - LIP6 (C870)
8, rue du Capitaine Scott                          Tel. : 01 44 27 88 54
75015 Paris - France                               Fax. : 01 44 27 70 00

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