Hello Django Professionals!

I am making a Django-based website that has to be multilingual.
Everything is clear about making the admin section and the templates
translatable. The problem is multilingual objects.

I could think of several approaches to implement internationalization
for Django objects:

1. Use special tagging inside the translatable fields, i.e.
(this is not usable for common people, administrating the site and
tricky for implementing searches and other functionalities)

2. Create class attributes for every single translatable field, i.e.
title_en = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("English Title"));
title_de = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("German Title"));
title_lt = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("Lithuanian Title"));
(it's not flexible, because you can't add languages dynamically)

3. Create a separate DB table for every model that has translatable fields
The table would contain
- model_id
- translatable fields (title, description)
- language_id (or code)
(I find this way the most proper for implementing multilingual
objects, but.. (read further))

One way to have a separate table for a model is to have a separate
model for translatable fields and One to Many relationship between the
class ItemLng(models.Model):
    product = models.ForeignKey(Item);
    language = models.CharField(maxlength=5, choices=LANGUAGES,
    title = models.CharField(maxlength=200, core=True, verbose_name=_("title"))
    description = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("description"))
Then you can use tabular views in the administration to edit those
translatable fields. (is it possible to restrict administrator from
inserting two different versions of translations for the same

This may be OK until you start using tabular views for the primary
objects. Let's take the example with Polls. Poll has children PollLng
and Option, whereas Option has children OptionLng. As it is impossible
to use two levels of tabular views, either Poll has to be edited
separately from its Options, or Options has to be edited separately
from their translated fields. And that makes no sense.

So, I think, there should be a way to bound two database tables for
one model. If you have an example or suggestions how to do that, or
you have some suggestions how to implement translatable objects in
another way, please respond to this email.

Mr. Aidas Bendoraitis

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