> 1) Create two separate media directories: /media/public and
> /media/restricted
> 2) Configure Apache to serve /media/public directory directly
> 3) Configure Apache to serve the /media/restricted directory using
> mod_python
> 4) Set a url entry in urls.py to e.g.:
> (r'^media/restricted/(?P<path>.*)','myproject.myapp.views.view_restricted_media')
> 5) Create view_restricted_media as:
>      @restrict_to_superuser
>      def view_restricted_media(request,path):
>          return static.serve(request,path,RESTRICTED_MEDIA_DIR)

Thanks; I'll probably end up doing something very much like this.  The
only thing I'm not crazy about with this solution is that it is a
little intensive on the webserver configuration; I prefer to make the
webserver configuration as simple as possible and do more complex
things on the application side.  In this case, it's not too bad; I'll
just have to document it adequately.

Thanks again.

| Jason F. McBrayer                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
| A flower falls, even though we love it; and a weed grows, |
| even though we do not love it.            -- Dogen        |

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