> >  def ficheiroExcel(request):
> >       from pyExcelerator import *
> >
> >       response = HttpResponse(mimetype='application/vnd.ms-excel')
> >       response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;
> > filename=somefilename.xls'
> >
> >       w = Workbook(HttpResponse)                 <-- this gives me an
> > error
> You haven't really given us a lot to work with here. I did a Google
> search for pyExcelerator and tracked down it's sourceforge page, but
> could not find any online documentation. And you haven't said what the
> error is (although that wouldn't help me in this case, since I don't
> know anything about pyExcelerator, it might help somebody who was
> familiar with the package help you).
The project resides at http://sourceforge.net/projects/pyexcelerator
When downloaded, there are some scripts at the examples directory that
But I won't mind to use another excel files generator from python if an
example is provided, since I haven't started to prepare file with

When used as standalone, w = Workbook()  creates an instance of the
class Workbook.

Then a sheet with a formula can be added:
ws = w.add_sheet('inicio')
ws.write(0, 0, Formula("-(1+1)"))

The file would be saved like this:

> Still, a few thoughts: What is pyExcelerator.Workbook() expecting to be
> passed as a parameter? HttpResponse is a reasonably specialised Django
> class, so I would not be too surprised it doesn't act as a proxy for
> whatever is expected by Workbook(). Also, you are passing in the class
> itself (HttpResponse), rather than an instance of the class (response).
> I'm not sure that is going to do what you want.
> Malcolm

That was only one of the attempts made to solve my problem, with no

If you or somebody could present me an example using pyExcelerator,
pyXLWriter or other I'd be apreciated.


Luis P. Mendes

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