Svn tries do patch your project with loads of diffs at once, this
usually work, but can sometimes fail horribly. Try deleting the
django_src directory then checking it out from scratch.


On 29/06/06, olive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> there is no problem using the database in place.
> The problem occures when I try to create the database from scratch:
> mysql -uroot -p%passwd% -e"drop database %database%"
> mysql -uroot -p%passwd% -e"create database %database%"
> python syncdb
> Creating table auth_message
> Creating table auth_group
> Creating table auth_user
> Creating table auth_permission
> Creating many-to-many tables for Group model
> Creating many-to-many tables for User model
> Creating table django_content_type
> Creating table django_session
> Creating table django_site
> Creating table django_admin_log
> Creating table application_docchunk
> Creating table application_screenshot
> Creating table application_proglanguage
> Creating table application_application
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "", line 11, in ?
>    execute_manager(settings)
>  File "C:\Applications\wiposoft\dev\python\django\core\",
> line 1297, in execute_manager
>    execute_from_command_line(action_mapping, argv)
>  File "C:\Applications\wiposoft\dev\python\django\core\",
> line 1221, in execute_from_command_line
>    action_mapping[action]()
>  File "C:\Applications\wiposoft\dev\python\django\core\",
> line 473, in syncdb
>    cursor.execute(statement)
>  File
> "C:\Applications\wiposoft\dev\python\django\db\backends\", line
> 12, in execute
>    return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
>  File
> "C:\Applications\wiposoft\dev\python\django\db\backends\mysql\",
> line 35, in execute
>    return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
>  File "C:\soft\python24\Lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\", line
> 137, in execute
>    self.errorhandler(self, exc, value)
>  File "C:\soft\python24\Lib\site-packages\MySQLdb\",
> line 33, in defaulterrorhandler
>    raise errorclass, errorvalue
> _mysql_exceptions.OperationalError: (1005, "Can't create table
> '.\\wiposoftdev\\#sql-84_3e9.frm' (errno: 121)")
> Here is my mode:
> from django.db import models
> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> from datetime import datetime
> class Contact(models.Model):
>    user        = models.ForeignKey(User)
>    name        = models.CharField(_('name'),maxlength=200,unique=True)
>    def __str__(self):
>        return
>    class Meta:
>        verbose_name = _('author')
>        verbose_name_plural = _('authors')
>        ordering = ['name']
>    class Admin:
>        list_display = ('name',)
>        search_fields = ['name']
> class ProgLanguage(models.Model):
>    name        = models.CharField(_('name'),maxlength=200,unique=True)
>    def __str__(self):
>        return
>    class Meta:
>        verbose_name = _('programming language')
>        verbose_name_plural = _('programming languages')
>        ordering = ['name']
>    class Admin:
>        list_display = ('name',)
> class OperatingSystem(models.Model):
>    name        = models.CharField(_('name'),maxlength=200,unique=True)
>    def __str__(self):
>        return
>    class Meta:
>        ordering = ['name']
>    class Admin:
>        list_display = ('name',)
>        search_fields = ['name']
> class Software(models.Model):
>    name        = models.CharField(_('name'),maxlength=200,unique=True)
>    xp_compat   = models.BooleanField(_('MS Windows XP
> compatible'),default=False)
>    modified_on = models.DateTimeField(editable=False)
>    short_desc  = models.TextField(_('short
> description'),blank=True,null=True)
>    comments    = models.TextField(_('comment'),blank=True,null=True)
>    os          =
> models.ManyToManyField(OperatingSystem,verbose_name=_('operating
> system'),filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL,blank=True,null=True)
>    prgm_lang   =
> models.ManyToManyField(ProgLanguage,verbose_name=_('programming
> language'),filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL,blank=True,null=True)
>    def __str__(self):
>        return
>    def save(self):
>        self.modified_on =
>        super(Software, self).save() # Call the "real" save() method
>    def short_description(self):
>         return self.short_desc
>    short_description.allow_tags = True
>    class Meta:
>        verbose_name = _('third party software')
>        verbose_name_plural = _('third party software')
>        ordering = ['name']
>    class Admin:
>        list_display = ('name','short_description','modified_on')
>        search_fields = ['name','short_desc']
>        list_filter = ['modified_on','xp_compat','os','prgm_lang']
>        fields = (
>                  (None, {'fields': ('name','xp_compat')}),
>                  (_('Short description and comments'), {
>                   #'classes': 'collapse',
>                   'fields' : ('short_desc','comments')
>                   }),
>                  (_('Links'), {
>                   #'classes': 'collapse',
>                   'fields' : ('os','prgm_lang')
>                   }),
>                 )
>        js = (
>             'js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js',
>             'js/tiny_mce/textareas.js',
>             )
> class BusinessUnit(models.Model):
>    name        = models.CharField(_('name'),maxlength=200,unique=True)
>    admin       =
> models.ForeignKey(Contact,verbose_name=_('applications administrator'))
>    def __str__(self):
>        return
>    class Meta:
>        verbose_name = _('business unit')
>        verbose_name_plural = _('business units')
>        ordering = ['name']
>    class Admin:
>        list_display = ('name','admin')
>        search_fields = ['name']
> class SoftwarePerUnit(models.Model):
>    software      = models.ForeignKey(Software,edit_inline=True)
>    business_unit = models.ForeignKey(BusinessUnit,
> verbose_name=_('business unit'),core=True)
>    net_dir       = models.CharField(_('network
> directory'),maxlength=200,blank=True,null=True)
>    nds_distrib   = models.BooleanField(_('NAL
> distributed'),default=False)
>    def __str__(self):
>        return
>    class Meta:
>        verbose_name = _('per unit third party software')
>        verbose_name_plural = _('per unit third party software')
>        #order_with_respect_to = 'software'
> class Application(models.Model):
>    name         =
> models.CharField(_('name'),maxlength=200,unique=True)
>    dpt          = models.CharField(_('Owner
> department'),maxlength=200,blank=True,null=True)
>    net_dir      = models.CharField(_('network
> directory'),maxlength=200,blank=True,null=True)
>    user_prof    = models.CharField(_('Users
> profile(s)'),maxlength=200,blank=True,null=True)
>    nds_distrib  = models.BooleanField(_('NAL
> distributed'),default=False)
>    xp_compat    = models.BooleanField(_('MS Windows XP
> compatible'),default=False)
>    has_doc      = models.BooleanField(default=True,editable=False)
>    modified_on  = models.DateTimeField(editable=False)
>    short_desc   = models.TextField(_('short
> description'),blank=True,null=True,help_text=_('Click on first button
> to switch to full view and access more options.'))
>    comments     =
> models.TextField(_('comments'),blank=True,null=True,help_text=_('Use
> this to type additional information for which there is no appropriate
> field.'))
>    business_unit= models.ForeignKey(BusinessUnit,
> verbose_name=_('business unit'))
>    admin        = models.ManyToManyField(Contact,
> verbose_name=_('authors'),filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL)
>    related_app  = models.ManyToManyField("self",
> verbose_name=_('related in-house
> applications'),symmetrical=False,filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL,blank=True,null=True)
>    related_soft = models.ManyToManyField(Software,
> verbose_name=_('third party
> software'),filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL,blank=True,null=True)
>    os           =
> models.ManyToManyField(OperatingSystem,verbose_name=_('operating
> systems'),filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL,blank=True,null=True)
>    prgm_lang    = models.ManyToManyField(ProgLanguage,
> verbose_name=_('programming
> languages'),filter_interface=models.HORIZONTAL,blank=True,null=True)
>    def __str__(self):
>        return
>    def save(self):
>        self.modified_on =
>        super(Application, self).save() # Call the "real" save()
> method.
>    def short_description(self):
>         return self.short_desc
>    short_description.allow_tags = True
>    class Meta:
>        verbose_name = _('in-house application')
>        verbose_name_plural = _('in-house applications')
>        ordering = ['name']
>    class Admin:
>        list_display = ('name','dpt','short_description','modified_on')
>        search_fields = ['name','short_desc','dpt','user_prof']
>        list_filter =
> ['modified_on','xp_compat','nds_distrib','business_unit','admin','os','prgm_lang','related_soft','related_app']
>        fields = (
>                  (None, {
>                   'fields':
> ('name','dpt','net_dir','user_prof','business_unit','nds_distrib','xp_compat')
>                   }),
>                  (_('Short description and comments'), {
>                   #'classes': 'collapse',
>                   'fields' : ('short_desc','comments')
>                   }),
>                  (_('Authors'), {
>                   #'classes': 'collapse',
>                   'fields' : ('admin',)
>                   }),
>                  (_('Links'), {
>                   #'classes': 'collapse',
>                   'fields' :
> ('related_app','related_soft','os','prgm_lang')
>                   }),
>                 )
>        js = (
>             'js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js',
>             'js/tiny_mce/textareas.js',
>             )
> class DocTitle(models.Model):
>    sequence    = models.IntegerField(_('sequence'))
>    title_en    = models.CharField(_('title'),maxlength=200)
>    def __str__(self):
>        return self.title_en
>    class Meta:
>        verbose_name = _('documentation title')
>        verbose_name_plural = _('documentation titles')
>        ordering = ['sequence']
>    class Admin:
>        list_display = ('title_en',)
> class DocChunk(models.Model):
>    application =
> models.ForeignKey(Application,edit_inline=True,num_in_admin=4,min_num_in_admin=4,max_num_in_admin=4)
>    title       = models.ForeignKey(DocTitle)
>    text        = models.TextField(_('text'),core=True)
>    def __str__(self):
>        return self.title.title_en
>    class Meta:
>        verbose_name = _('documentation chunk')
>        verbose_name_plural = _('documentation chunks')
>        ordering = ['title']
>        #unique_together = (("application","title"),)
> class Screenshot(models.Model):
>    application =
> models.ForeignKey(Application,edit_inline=True,num_in_admin=5,min_num_in_admin=5,num_extra_on_change=2)
>    image       =
> models.ImageField(_('image'),upload_to="screenshots/",height_field="height",width_field="width")
>    caption     =
> models.CharField(_('caption'),maxlength=200,core=True)
>    height      =
> models.IntegerField(_('height'),blank=True,null=True,editable=False)
>    width       =
> models.IntegerField(_('width'),blank=True,null=True,editable=False)
>    def save(self):
>        if self.image:
>            import shutil
>            from os import path,mkdir
>            from django.conf import settings
>            pathname, filename = path.split(self.image)
>            if not
> pathname.endswith(path.join("screenshots",self.application_id)):
>                new_path = path.join(pathname,
> str(self.application_id))
>                if not path.isdir(path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
> new_path)):
>                    mkdir(path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, new_path))
>                new_image = path.join(new_path, filename)
>                new_location = path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
> new_image)
>                old_location = path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,
> self.image)
>                shutil.move(old_location, new_location)
>                self.image = new_image
>        super(Screenshot, self).save() # Call the "real" save() method.
>    class Meta:
>        verbose_name = _('screenshot')
>        verbose_name_plural = _('screenshots')
>        ordering = ['caption']
> Olivier
> >

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