
I can't thank you enough for explaining this, but I'm still a little  

On Jul 3, 2006, at 6:46 PM, Jorge Gajon wrote:

>         # No post, fill up default values
>         new_data['some_field'] = 'default value'
>     form = form.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
>     return render_to_response('some_template.html', {'form': form})
This works great. In the shell, I try str(form['some_field']) and the  
value is pre-populated as expected.

> and for a ForeignKey:
>     related_object = OtherObject.objects.get(pk=23)
>     new_data['related_object'] = str(

This, not so much. The related object entry is in the data field of  
the FormWrapper when I look at it, but if I render the SelectField it  
corresponds to, the empty entry is pre-selected, not the entry that  
corresponds to the related_object. Is it not possible to pre-select  
something in a SelectField, or do you have to do it some other way?

Also, since I don't really want the user to be able to change this,  
it would be just as nice for me to replace the SelectField that the  
AddManipulator creates with a HiddenField of my own, but I can't see  
how to do that except manually in the template.

> If you want to use an automatic manipulator but want to only restrict
> the selections in a select list you could subclass the manipulator
> like this:
> class MyCustomManipulator(MyModel.AddManipulator):
>     def __init__(self):
>         MyModel.AddManipulator.__init__(self)
>         for field in self.fields:
>             if field.field_name == 'related_object':
>                 choices = [(, obj) for obj in
> RelatedObject.objects.filter(somecriteria)]
>                 field.choices = choices

I'm reminded of the scene in Amadeus when Salieri was reading  
Mozart's music and just let it fall to the ground. That's very elegant.


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