Carlos Yoder wrote:
> * Important *
> Does anyone know if Django will run on a config with Apache 1.x +
> FastCGI, but without flup? At they just told me that they
> don't support flup "because of high memory usage", so I don't know
> what to do.
> I'll be most obliged if anyone can clarify this quickly... thanks a lot!!!

in short:

1. yes, it works without it. if you dig deep enough at, i think you can find some kind of which 
is afaik a stripped-down flup, or something like that.
2. the's answer is stupid :)

ok, basically:

your web-server (apache1.x in this case) speaks fastcgi,

and django speaks wsgi.

now you need something that translates between them.
that's what flup does.

but, flup actually is not a service/daemon. it's simply a library.

the same way how you have to put the django source code on the server,
you also have to put the flup source code on the server. but they are 
simply running together.

for example, this is a simple python script, that acts as a fastcgi 
server using django:

from flup.server.fcgi_fork import WSGIServer
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIHandler

os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'cms.settings'


as you see, the flup library is nothing special. it's just a library.

about flup's high memory usage... depending on the process/thread-model, 
flup can spawn multiple fastcgi servers (the default is 6 i think). but 
there's nothing preventing you from configuring flup to only spawn 1.

so, in other words:
from the's point of view, they will never ever see that flup 
is running there.

i hope this (chaotic) explanation helps. if not, replay :)


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