
I'm reading Jeff's tutorial, and I believe I'm seeing the light at the
end of the tunnel.

Will update later, thank you!

On 7/11/06, Gábor Farkas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Carlos Yoder wrote:
> > Hello guys,
> >
> > I'm having a lot of trouble trying to install a Django app on a shared
> > hosting (servage.net).
> >
> > The support people, even though they're very friendly an all, don't
> > know crap about Django or how to install it. They're OK for normal
> > tasks, but it gets a little deeper, they forward my request to a
> > 'Senior' tech, and that can take a full day until the ticket gets
> > answered (usually unsuccessfully).
> >
> > The problem is, I'm stuck with them and must get this app to work VERY
> > soon (remember, perfectionists with deadlines?). I really want this to
> > happen, since the alternative is to continue regurgitating C# crap
> > that I'm just sick and tired of.
> >
> > So, enough of ranting.
> >
> > Can anybody direct me into a step-by-step explanation of the install
> > process? I've look here
> > (http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/fastcgi/) but I just don't
> > know what to do. I tried the last entry (create .htaccess and
> > mysite.fcgi), but to no avail -- I don't really know how to test or
> > see whether Django is installed, running, or whatever.
> >
> > Since I don't have shell access (they don't support ssh for 'security
> > reasons'), I understand I won't be able to use manage.py, so "syncdb"
> > will have to be via phpMyAdmin or similar, and so on.
> >
> > Here's what I did:
> >
> >  * Downloaded the latest DJango snapshot onto $webroot/django_src
> >  * Created a file for my project at $webroot/avtopage
> >
> > I don't really know how to continue. Questions arising are:
> >
> >  * How do I tell the installed Python to 'see' django_src? If that's
> > thru symlinking to $python/site-packages/, the tech support guys told
> > me they can do it.
> >  * What do I do to have my 'avtopage' directory (accesible via
> > http://domain/avtopage) to be Django-enabled?
> >
> > ... but I'm sure I'm missing something big here. (it shows it used the
> > development server to work on the app, doesn't it?)
> >
> >  I just don't know where to look, sorry to sound so whiny, but I don't
> > have anybody else to turn to but you, the community.
> >
> > Thanks for the time to read this, and if you can help me out, you
> > don't know how big of a Django evangeliser you'll find in me! (at
> > least in Slovenia, where I'm currently based) =)
> >
> > Best regards and thanks a million,
> >
> hi,
> first thing: you have to make sure that they support FASTCGI.
> when you know that they do, ask them how they do it.
> (ask them how they manage Ruby-on-Rails projects for example. i saw on
> their webpage that they do support Ruby-on-Rails, and that one is
> usually hosted using fastcgi)
> there are some documents about how to set up django on dreamhost.com. it
> should be similar to servage.net:
> http://wiki.dreamhost.com/index.php/Django
> http://www2.jeffcroft.com/2006/may/11/django-dreamhost/
> regarding the ftp+syncdb problem:
> then probably the easiest way is to syncdb somewhere else, and then dump
> the database to a file, and restore it on the servage-database.
> also to make python know about django, is nothing magical. as you see in
> the dreamhost-wiki django howto, they simple create a suitable
> django-fastcgi python script, and inside they add the django-dir to
> sys.path.
> i hope this helps. if not, reply :-)
> gabor
> >

Carlos Yoder

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