Ok, got my problem. May be your problem as well, mamcxyz.

I was using the user variable in a menu. In order to make my webpage
as generic as possible, I had defined a menu.html that I included with
a tag:

register = Library()
def make_menu(context):
make_menu = register.inclusion_tag('sysvortex/menu.html')(make_menu)

I included my menu with a:
{% block extras %}
  {% make_extras %}
{% endblock %}

I discovered that user was not available in menu.html. I then modified
my code like this:
register = Library()
def make_menu(context):
    return context
make_menu = register.inclusion_tag('sysvortex/menu.html',

The only thing I do here is to pass the context I receive to the
context of menu.html. And of course... it works... :-P

Hope this helps others!


On 7/12/06, Joshua Tacoma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't know how to replicate it right now (I tried logging out and
> deleting cookies, no dice) but it did happen to me once or twice while
> I was developing something.  If you only find this problem when you
> aren't logged in then treating 'not user' as equivalent to
> 'user.is_anonymous' should be ok.
> {% if user and not user.is_anonymous %}
>     <p>Welcome, {{ user.username }}. Thanks for logging in.</p>
> {% else %}
>     <p>Welcome, new user. Please log in.</p>
> {% endif %}
> This is only a work-around: if you can replicate it then I'd say it's
> ticket-worthy.
> -- Joshua
> >

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