An external process creates tables whose names follow the pattern
"collector_XYZ"; all the tables will have the very same structure.

For each table I need to create a matching django.db.models.Model and
django.admin.models.ModelAdmin, dynamically, because over time new
tables will be created and I do not want to restart apache after the
program is deployed.

How can I hook this generation process to the login function of the
admin interface so that each time a user logs in django checks if all
the tables have a corresponding model? Is there a better mount point?
Is there a more django-nic way to accomplish this?

from django.db import connection, transaction, connections

cursor = connections['collector'].cursor()
cursor.execute('SHOW TABLES LIKE "collector_%%"')
# table name: collector_identifier_nn
# identitifer is unique among all the tables
# nn is a two digit number

models = {}
for t in cursore.fetchall():
..values = str(t).split('_')[1:]
..models[values[0]] = generaCollector(values[0], values[1])[-1])

def generaCollector(cliente, num):
..if type(num) != type(''):
....raise TypeError('parameter client must be of type %s insted of %s'
% (type(''), type(cliente)))
..if type(cliente) != type(''):
....raise TypeError('parameter num must be of type %s insted of %s' %
(type(''), type(num)))
..cliente = str(cliente).lower()
..nome = 'Collector%s%s' % (cliente.capitalize(), num)
..ret = type(nome, (Collector,), {'__module__':
..ret._meta.db_table = 'collector_%s_%s' % (cliente, num)
..return ret

class Collector(models.Model): = models.IntegerField(primary_key=True)
..unique_check = models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=240, blank=True)
..collector = models.CharField(max_length=96, blank=True)
..agent_host = models.CharField(max_length=384, blank=True)
..insert_time = models.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
..# etc etc

..def __unicode__(self):
....return self.insert_time.isoformat()

....class Meta:
......db_table = u'collector'
......abstract = True

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