I am using a custom template tag called calculate age to produce an
age in numbers based on a filter for a template tag.

Here is the tag:

def age(bday, d=None):
    if d is None:
        d = datetime.datetime.now()
    return (d.year - bday.year) - int((d.month, d.day) < (bday.month,

register.filter('age', age)

here is how it is used in a template:

{{ entry.DOB|age }} # that produces an age

Here is the problem, not all of the entries in my DB have a date of
birth (henceforth known as DOB).

This raises and error.

I have tried to get around this many different ways. Here are few:

{% ifequal entry.DOB None %} N/A {% else %}  {{ entry.DOB|age }} {%
endif %}

{% ifequal entry.DOB "None" %} N/A {% else %}  {{ entry.DOB|age }} {%
endif %}

{% if entry.DOB == None #I have custom operators set up and this logic
works in the shell but not in the template %} N/A {% else %}
{{ entry.DOB|age }} {% endif %}

{% if entry.DOB == 'None' %} N/A {% else %}  {{ entry.DOB|age }} {%
endif %}

I've even tried it in my view:

def detail(request, last_name, first_name):
    r = get_object_or_404(Rep, Last_Name=last_name,
    if r.DOB == None:
        r.DOB = NULLage
    return render_to_response('Government/repsSingle.html', {'entry':
r, 'NULLage': NULLage})

The in the template:

{% if NULLage %}

This is a good grief sort of error and is making my brain blood boil.

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