This might sound a little harsh, but if you need to ask if you can
do it in Django, then you shouldn't do it.

  Not because it is not entirely possible... but because you're not
confortable with the framework and its quirks and your productivity on
it, yet. Since this is your Real Job, that will (probably) have your
boss angry at you if it's not delivered on time...

  Also, the requirements that you gave us are too much broad: No
multi-user weblog app with media files is only that. There will
probably be comments (threaded?, how to deal spam?), image galleries,
you will need HTML formatting while editing the posts, tags (?),
categories, social-networking features (?), user registration,
RSS/Atom, technoratti ping, templates per-user, plugins (?), send
article via email, stuff like that.

  A full-wordpress clone in three weeks... I don't think it's a
realistic goal. Unless you want something simpler. Talk to your boss
and get *every* requirement for the project. If you don't need the
fancy stuff (which I doubt, but I don't work there :p), try Django,
otherwise, hack WP.

On 7/14/06, Joe Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi y'all,
> This week my boss sprang a new project on me: Build a community blog
> app (multiple blogs and multiple users, also with photo- and video-type
> content integrated and indexed). In three weeks.
> The original idea was to hack the Multi-User Wordpress to make this
> work. I've done my time with PHP (5 years), so I figure I could hack
> it.
> However, I'd much rather do it in Django. I've been messing around with
> Django for about a month now, and it's real pretty. I'm no expert
> though.
> Thought I would ask you all what your thoughts were on this -- hacking
> an established application to get it to do what I want vs. building an
> app from scratch, on a restricted timeline.
> Thanks,
> Joe
> >

Julio Nobrega -

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