Hi everyone, I'm just starting out with Django and really enjoying it.
For a project I am trying to install it on an Apache server at school
with multiple users. The userdir module is enabled such that users can
create their own websites. I'd like to allow some of these users to
tinker with Django.

I have administrator access but need to make it easy for regular users
to deploy their own Django websites if they are so inclined. I have
installed mod_wsgi and mod_userdir, and configured everything as such:

        /home/username/django/                  is where their Django 
application lives
        /home/username/django/apache/           contains the WSGI interface file
        /home/username/www/                     is their website directory
        /home/username/www/media/               is where their Django media 
files live

        example.com/~username/                  is their static website
        example.com/~username/django/   WSGI mounts the Django application at /

The problem I am having is actually accessing my test Django website.
When I attempt to access example.com/~username/django/admin/, I get
the Django 404 debug message. So, I know it's at least running
correctly. I've uncommented the three lines from urls.py to enable
admin access and added the django.contrib.admin package to
INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py. I ran syncdb.

I've tried configuring urls.py to map the admin to ~username/django/
admin and django/admin as well, with no luck. If anyone could help me
out I'd really appreciate it!


Benjamin Webber

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