On Jun 27, 7:47 am, ses1984 <ses1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to use custom widgets in a model formset. I have tried to
> achieve this by first defining the custom widget, then a form that
> uses this widget, then passing this form as an argument to
> modelformset_factory().
> I don't think something is working right because if I check the type
> of the form objects in my formset, the objects are my own custom
> SliderInputs; however, when the very same formset is rendered, it
> renders like the default widget. They don't render with any of the
> content that I have added to the render method of SliderInput.
> Below is the shell session demonstrating that I have SliderInput
> widgets, then the actual class code that defines these.
> I am using Django 1.1.1.

Stop right there. From

    "New in Django 1.2: The widgets attribute is new in Django 1.2."

You've successfully defined a widgets attribute on the form's Meta
class, but Django is doing absolutely nothing with it, because 1.1
doesn't know about it.

Instead, you'll need to override the field definition at the form

class WeightSliderForm(forms.ModelForm):
    amount = forms.FloatField(widget=SliderInput(attrs={
    class Meta:
        model = Recipe


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