Hello people! I am having any problems with static files (images, CSS)
in Django. I configured the MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT in settings.py
and when I execute the server and I go see the webpage, the static
files doesn't are encountered (the page stay without anything).

Screen Shot of my page: http://yfrog.com/jq35546894

I am using the Django 1.1, on Ubuntu 10.04. The following are the
server logs:


This files exists! They are in this directory, but doesn't are
encountered by the Django.
The directory of my project follows below:


And these are the files of project:

settings.py: http://dpaste.com/211967/

urls.py: http://dpaste.com/211964/

views.py: http://dpaste.com/211969/

base.html: http://dpaste.com/211971/ # This is the page of the Screen

Anybody can help me?

(Sorry by my bad english.)

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