
This is my first message here, and I am sorry for my poor english...

I am trying to excecute some distance lookup but I have a problem to
use the ST_Distance_sphere postgis function.

In Django documentation, I read this (http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/

"On every distance lookup but dwithin, an optional third element,
'spheroid', may be included to tell GeoDjango to use the more accurate
spheroid distance calculation functions on fields with a geodetic
coordinate system (e.g., ST_Distance_Spheroid would be used instead of

But when I try to execute a distance lookup with 'distance_lte' on a
Postgis 1.5 database, the query is executed with "ST_Distance" instead
of "ST_Distance_sphere". Why ? Did I forget something ?

This is my code :

stations = Station.objects.filter(point__distance_lte=(pnt,
from django.db import connection
print connection.queries

Which returns this :
[{'time': '0.144', 'sql': 'SELECT "spatial_ref_sys"."srid",
"spatial_ref_sys"."auth_name", "spatial_ref_sys"."auth_srid",
"spatial_ref_sys"."srtext", "spatial_ref_sys"."proj4text" FROM
"spatial_ref_sys" WHERE "spatial_ref_sys"."srid" = 900913 '}, {'time':
'0.903', 'sql': 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "prices_station" WHERE
ST_Distance("prices_station"."point", ST_GeomFromEWKB(E\'\\\\001\\\
\001\\\\000\\\\000 1\\\\277\\\\015\\\\000\\\\270\\\\036\\\\205\\\\353Q\
\\\270\\\\372\\\\277h\\\\341z\\\\024\\\\256\\\\0...@\'::bytea)) <=

Thanks a lot

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