I have DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE set in my environment to an alternative
settings file. The alternate file imports the original settings file
and overrides some values for my development environment.

Whenever I try to run ./manage.py runserver, it insists on using the
settings.py on the same path as manage.py, despite the fact that
running an interactive Python interpreter or a stand-alone script
which imports settings from django.conf will import the proper
settings file (from DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE).

Also, this works:
./manage.py runserver --settings=$DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE

I can see in manage.py that it assumes there's a settings.py in its
own directory, but that's evidently overridden by the --settings flag.
Why doesn't a correctly-set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE result in the same
behavior? I'm using Django 1.1.1.


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