Hi all

I'm trying to combine two querysets, and having a difficult time
explaining why one bit of code works, and why similar code doesn't.
I'm probably doing something wrong..

This is a customer management system:
User objects are arranged into UserGroup objects, with a through table
called UserUserGroupPreferences, which denote things about the User's
membership of the UserGroup.
UserGroup objects belong to a single Organization, and each
Organization has exactly one UserGroup with is_catch_all_group=True.

In simplified models, looks like this (User is django.contrib.auth.User)

class UserUserGroupPreferences(models.Model):
  usergroup = models.ForeignKey('UserGroup')
  user = models.ForeignKey(User)
  is_account_manager = models.BooleanField(default=False)

class UserGroup(models.Model):
  organization = models.ForeignKey('Organization')
  users = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='UserUserGroupPreferences')
  is_catch_all_group = models.BooleanField(default=False)

I wish to find the groups for which a particular user is an account
manager, or the catch all group in the same organization as a group of
which the user is an account manager. I've come up with this bit of
code, which works. However, I can't understand why the last line must
be in that order.

filt1 = Q(userusergrouppreferences__is_account_manager=True)\
    & Q(userusergrouppreferences__user=request.user)
filt2 = Q(is_catch_all_group=True)\
    & Q(organization__usergroup__userusergrouppreferences__user=request.user)\
qs1 = UserGroup.objects.filter(filt1).distinct()
qs2 = UserGroup.objects.filter(filt2).distinct()
# For some reason, this is not the same as qs1 | qs2 - answers on a
postcard please.
managed_groups = qs2 | qs1

Any hints?



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