Yes, sorry, I know the values are correct.

What's concerning me is that the {% cycle ... as ... %} statement is
*outputting* the value each time through the cycle instead of just
*setting* the {{ mycycle }} variable so that it can be output as

On Jul 7, 12:00 pm, thusjanthan <> wrote:
> This is the desired behavior. Until the loop is done it cycles the
> given values you provided in your case 'a' 'b' and since the loop is
> running 3 times it cycles back to 'a' again.
> Cheers,
> Thusjanthan
> On Jul 7, 8:55 am, ringemup <> wrote:
> > Er, that was sloppy of me.  Actual output:
> > <ul>
> >   a
> >   <li>a</li>
> >   b
> >   <li>b</li>
> >   a
> >   <li>a</li>
> > </ul>
> > On Jul 7, 11:53 am, ringemup <> wrote:
> > > I thought that {% cycle 'a' 'b' as mycycle %} was supposed to just set
> > > the variable {{ mycycle }} and not output anything to the template.
> > > However, the following template (with myrange=[1, 2, 3]):
> > > {* start template *}
> > > <ul>
> > >   {% for i in myrange %}
> > >     {% cycle 'a' 'b' as mycycle %}
> > >     <li>{{ mycycle }}</li>
> > >   {% endfor %}
> > > </ul>
> > > {* end template *}
> > > outputs:
> > > <ul>
> > >   1
> > >   <li>1</li>
> > >   2
> > >   <li>2</li>
> > >   3
> > >   <li>3</li>
> > > </ul>
> > > Is this a bug or the desired behavior?

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