U can try using sessions.
Django supports anonymous sessions.

See here: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/sessions/
and here: http://www.djangobook.com/en/2.0/chapter14/


On Jul 8, 12:38 am, iJames <ijamessa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think my brains have been un-djangoed because I think I'm missing
> something obvious.
> I've got the user model linked in with my own model serving as the
> profile which is working for registerring and authenticating a user.
> But I'm wondering how to have a guest be able to do some things with
> the intention of registerring later on?
> For instance, I want a user to be able to input some data and upload a
> file and then after that set themselves up with a login and/or openid
> or something like that.
> There are three aspects I'm troubled with which I think should be
> obvious but I'm missing them:
> 1) If I setup these views/templates to be accessible to a non-
> authenticated user, how will any data they create be associated with
> the authenticated user later?  And if they don't register, how can I
> find and purge the data after some time?
> 2) Can I not delete the session cookie so that the non-authenticated
> user can return in the same browser and still see their data?
> 3) What is the best practice for managing views/templates for the
> triple world  Guest versus Registerred User versus Admin?  In
> particular, how do I manage the different contexts that can ripple
> through a the base template and the included templates?
> Thanks!  I've got another burning question, but this one's first!
> James

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