
I have been creating a English class manager for a national free english
program in Japan. Here is a little rundown of how the code works.

A english class has a prefecture and each prefecture has a mission. I want
to be able to filter in the django admin the english classes based on what
mission they are in, but I can't seem to get to the mission because it is
two objects away. I can display it on the admin page with a function that
returns the mission a english class is in, but filter_list doesn't allow
functions as arguments.

This is a pastebin of a condensed version of the code so you can see the

In the admin class. "list_display = ('city_en', 'city', 'mission',
'prefecture')" works because of the mission() function in the EnglishClass

Is there anyway I can filter by the mission too?
Also, Why doesn't filter_list work with methods just like list_display does?
Is this something Django should or shouldn't do?


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