There is probably an easy answer to this, but I have been scratching
my head for a while now: I have two models, Category and Program in a
one-to-many relationship. I want to list all categories, and all
programs within each category. I pass Category.objects.all() to the
view, and in the view I run a for loop over the categories, and a
second for loop over category.program_set.all in each category. The
question is, how can I sort the output in that second for-loop?

So, in code:
def index(request):
    return render_to_response ( 'list.html', { 'categories':
Category.objects.select_related('program_set').all() } );

{% for category in categories %}
    {{ }}
    {% for program in category.program_set.all %}
        {{ }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

How can I make the inner loop produce sorted output?


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