I have 2 models

    class Item(models.Model):
        fields here

    class ItemImage(models.Model):
        item = models.ForeignKey('Item', null=True, blank=True,

I want a single 'form' where a user can add an Item and an ItemImage
(actually many images but that's irrelevant at this stage). I want to
use an inline formset but the Item instance doesn't exist so there's
no primary key, I have tried but get an error relating the the lack of
primary key (...django/forms/models.py in _get_foreign_key, line 796).

I'm pretty sure this can't be done with inline formsets so I figure
that I should add an ItemImage formset to the Item form somehow, I
just don't know how (and it doesn't seem to be covered in the docs).

I'd appreciate any help I can get as I've hit a brick wall.

Many thanks

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