I am somewhat new to Django and am trying to use the ModelFormSets
alongside multiple-databases.

I'm trying to create an empty ModelFormSet that will allow me to
create objects for a specific database and pull in the appropriate
drop-downs from that database.  What I'm seeing is that the Form Set
has populated all of the drop-downs based on the Foreign Key values
for the 'default' database and not the database of my choosing.

Consider the following example where there are a different set of
users on each databases ('default' and 'NotDefault').  The following
code will always render a select list that contains the users from the
'default' database even though the QuerySet that I've passed into the
ModelFormSet is using a different database.

class ScheduledReport(models.Model):
        reportID                = models.AutoField(db_column="reportID", 
        Owner           = models.ForeignKey(user.User)

        class Meta:
                db_table = "scheduledReports"

ReportFormSet = modelformset_factory(ScheduledReport)

report_form =
report_form.as_table() # Trigger the render

After looking thorough the source code, I've realized that the
ModelChoiceFields get populated using each form's instance's database:
# django.forms.models
            qs = qs.using(form.instance._state.db)
            form.fields[self._pk_field.name] = ModelChoiceField(qs,
initial=pk_value, required=False, widget=HiddenInput

With that information I tried directly modifying the instances state
without any success.  (This worked in the case where I was using just
a ModelForm and not a ModelFormSet)

report_form =
for f in report_form.forms:
        f.instance._state.db = 'NotDefault'
report_form.as_table() # Trigger the rendering

I'm all out of ideas and am lost in how I am supposed to use
ModelFormSets in conjunction with Multiple Databases.  Has anyone else
run into this issue?


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