On 8/5/2010 7:18 AM, euan.godd...@googlemail.com wrote:
> AFAIK mail_admins is designed to send error messages to the site
> administrator, not for the purpose you are proposing, so you won't get
> the original email. Your proposal seems reasonable enough to me since
> you're not using mail_admins as designed.
> Why take only the second admin email address?
He isn't. He's taking the email portion of each (name, email) tuple in
the ADMINS list.

> On an unrelated point you might to re-think your view. Once you've
> pass form.is_valid(), it is much better to read the data out of the
> form.cleaned_data dictionary than directly from the POST as Django
> takes care of type coercion, etc.
Good point.


> Euan
> On Aug 5, 10:31 am, kostia <kostya.demc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have a contact form on my site.
>> The code which send the emails after successful validation is below:
>> def contact(request):
>>     if request.method == 'POST':
>>         form = ContactForm(request.POST)
>>         if form.is_valid():
>>             if request.POST['send_me']:
>>                 send_mail(
>>                     request.POST['subject'],
>>                     request.POST['message'],
>>                     request.POST.get('email', 'nore...@example.com'),
>>                     [request.POST.get('email',
>> 'nore...@example.com')],
>>                 )
>>             mail_admins(
>>                 request.POST['subject'],
>>                 request.POST['message'],
>>             )
>>             return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('home'))
>>     else:
>>         form = ContactForm()
>>     return render_to_response('feedback.html',
>>         context_instance=RequestContext(request, {'form': form}))
>> First I send the email to the user himself if he checked "Send me
>> copy" on the form.
>> Then I'm going to send his email to admins. The problem is I do not
>> see his email address to allow admins to reply him. Is this a stupid
>> behaviour of mail_admins?
>> So I decided to use send_mail, but previously I need to convert
>> settings.ADMINS tuples into email strings to specify in the function.
>> I think to use something like
>> recipients = []
>> for admin in settings.ADMINS:
>>      recipients += admin[1]
>> But it seems to be unprofessional.
>> How to extract email addresses from settings.ADMINS? I can't find
>> mail_admins code to see how django developers did that. Please, if you
>> can, post the code here.
>> Good luck!

I'm no expert.
"ex" == "has-been"; "spurt" == "drip under pressure"
"expert" == "has-been drip under pressure".

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