On 08/12/2010 03:32 PM, Jani Tiainen wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have a django application for analysis of accounting information in
>> torque batch system. The job is an object connected to several accounting
>> event objects:
>> class Job(models.Model):
>>     jobid = models.CharField(max_length=16, db_index=True, editable=False)
>>     server = models.ForeignKey('TorqueServer', editable=False)
>>     job_owner = models.ForeignKey('User', null=True)
>> ....
>> class AccountingEvent(models.Model):
>>     timestamp = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name='time stamp')
>>     type = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=EVENT_CHOICES)
>>     job = models.ForeignKey('Job')
>> I have a method that goes through all jobs and tests their accounting
>> events. The problem is that my function that does the iteration over all
>> jobs eats all memory eventually. It is quite simple function:
>>     maxjobid =
>> Job.objects.filter(job_state__shortname='C').aggregate(Max("id"))['id__max
>> '] for n in range(1,maxjobid+1):
>>         j = Job.objects.get(pk=n)
>>         aes = AccountingEvent.objects.filter(job=j).order_by("-timestamp")
>>         ae = aes[0]
>>         if ae.type=='D':
>>             j.job_state = getJobState('D')
>>             j.save()
>> I tried to inspect this with guppy and I see that the number of str and
>> unicode objects get really high. I don't understand why python garbage
>> collector does not free them. I see this with development server, debug on
>> and mysql as a DB backend.
> That is your problem. when DEBUG = True Django ORM records every SQL query 
> made in a request - or in case of script whole lifetime of a script which can 
> grow quite huge.
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.2/faq/models/#why-is-django-leaking-memory

Thank you very much. Shame on me for not finding this in django faq.

Tomas Kouba

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