Thanks for great package - just stuck now on how to update app
specific user profile on /activate/complete/

Although I have seen the code (re ln 80 in django-registration/
registration/views.py) I don't understand how to write the correct url
pattern and view params to pick up the activated user in my view so as
I can add some app specific data for each user.

In the url pattern I have:

url(r'^accounts/activate/complete/$' ,'myapp.views.profile',

and in the view I want this sort of thing so as I can complete the
UserProfile(this fails because the request.user is empty):

def profile(request):
    new_user = request.user
    profile = UserProfile(user= new_user)

and in the model:

class UserProfile(models.Model):
    user = models.OneToOneField(User)
    st = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)

I think the problem is not understanding what my view receives from
the 'activate' redirect:

       if success_url is None:
            to, args, kwargs =
backend.post_activation_redirect(request, account)
            return redirect(to, *args, **kwargs)

I have tried setting a username parameter in the url pattern and view
with no success. How should this be done? I need a - oh that's how it
works - moment.

Any help very appreciated.


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