also, when I change the virtual host path to: /srv/www/
(instead of /srv/www/ I get an internal server
error. Whereas with '/srv/www/' I get the actual
django error page....

On Aug 26, 4:20 pm, Joel Klabo <> wrote:
> on my VPS i have my project at: /srv/www/ my
> files,, are here)
> and my VirtualHost is setup like this:
> <VirtualHost>
>         ServerAdmin
>         ServerName
>         DocumentRoot /srv/www/
>         PythonPath "['/srv/www/', '/usr/lib/
> pymodules/python2.6/'] + sys.path"
>         <Location "/">
>                 SetHandler python-program
>                 PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>                 SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE settings
>                 PythonDebug Off
>         </Location>
>         ErrorLog /srv/www/
>         CustomLog /srv/www/ combined
> </VirtualHost>
> And when i goto i get the django error page saying:
> ImportError at /
> No module named brooski.urls
> So, I tried going and removing the 'brooski.' everywhere in my project
> and that got me through a bunch of similar errors but I eventually got
> one where it was using '' as my module name and it was
> causing a problem.
> Basically I don't know how to set up this structure, am I doing
> something wrong? Thanks for any advice, and please don't use my
> sensitive information against me...

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