On Aug 29, 9:43 pm, dave b <db.pub.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > OK, so you don't believe the advice you are getting, which is that of
> > the many issues a Django sit will face this is a relatively low
> > probability attack. That's fair enough - a vulnerability is a
> > vulnerability, after all, no matter how improbable, and not everyone
> > will set up their production systems to be correctly protected by a
> > front-end server.
> > If you really want to see this in Django you would be better advised to
> > post it in the issue tracker, where it will not get lost.
> Ok I will do this :-)
> Sure Also, Wow gmail is a horrible email client. I am so used to $else.
> The patch I included in my previous email should not break any *real*
> clients, only evil ones(potentially).
> As I understand it an attacker can abuse gzip user requests, if
> mod_deflate is enabled (AND configured to decompress incoming user
> requests - this is not the default)  in apache2 with a user gziped
> request body.

You are again possibly getting overly worried about nothing here.

This is because use of a mutating input filter such as mod_deflate
with a WSGI based application is not possible.

As I said before, a WSGI application is not supposed to read more
content than is specified by the request content length, if it is, it
is a non compliant WSGI application.

For the case of mod_deflate, in decompressing the request content, it
cannot know in advance what the new content length will be. As such,
it leaves the original content length header intact. This means that a
conforming WSGI application would still only read up to that original
content length even if you were to enable mod_deflate. The result
being that the decompressed request content would actually be
truncated at the content length specified for the original compressed

In short, you can not use mod_deflate on request content with
conforming WSGI applications as that would only read up to the
original content length. I have blogged about this limitation of WSGI
in the past, so maybe you should go search through postings on my

As I asked you before, have you actually run tests to prove your
hypothesis that this is all broken? If you have, then post what
hosting configuration and software you are using.


> So an attack could do effectively have a file like this:
> f = open("rar", "w")
> string = ""
> for i in range(0, 10000000):
>         string += " " + "1"
> f.write(string)
> f.close()
> ls -lah 20M 2010-08-29 17:15 rar
> (except replace write with append and do it a lot more ;) )   and then
> send it gziped as in the request body.
> Just for fun ;)
> gzip rar
> ls -lah 19K 2010-08-29 17:15 rar.gz
> So  django will receive the original 20M file (as the httpd has
> uncompressed it for django ) afaik.
> see Input Decompression 
> athttp://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/mod/mod_deflate.html

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