Yesterday I was writing a part of a test application that I'm
developing using Django and I get an extrange result.

I have a pair of models related by foreign key fields in the way I show

class Galery(models.Model):

class Profesional(models.Model):
     models.ForeignKey(Galery, null = True, blank = True)

class UserProfesional(models.Model)

The last model makes a correspondence between a django user and one of
the profesionals.

Well, I was trying to delete one Galery using a generic view, I needed
to write a generic view wrapper because I must check that the gallery
is owned by the profesional who has init the session on the system.

In my first attempt when I deleted the galery using the generic view it
deleted also the profesional and the UserProfesional. I could
understand this if the relation where from gallery to profesional, but
not in that way. After that, I searched at this mailing group and I
found people experimenting a similar problem.

Well at last I knew what was the problem and I tryed to solve this in
the wrapper.

Before calling the generic view and as I have the profesional related
with the gallery I just set = None  and then

Doing this when I use the generic view it doesn't delete the
profesional but it deletes UserProfesional Entry. At this point I
understand that there mustn`t be any relation between the gallery and
the UserProfesional.

After all I just write a view that checks if the profesional is related
with the gallery he wants to delete then I set =
None and after that I make gallery.delete(). It worked.

It makes sense for anybody?, have anybody experimented something

In my own defense I want to say that it happened late at night and it
could be a bad dream ;)

Thanks in advance and my best wishes to Django developers you are
making my dreams and needs true ;)

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