I am having a problem with locking on MySQL and can't quite figure out
what's causing it.  Although I have some scripts that do raw SQL, none of
them are running, I see no other transactions in the process list, yet when
I call save() on one of my objects, the transaction locks, seemingly
forever.  Although most of my database tables are InnoDB, the one that I'm
seeing this happen on is MyISAM (because I'm using full-text indexing on
it).  So the table is getting locked somehow, but I sure can't see how, when
there is nothing else in the processlist.

mysql> show processlist;
| Id      | User          | Host            | db            | Command | Time
| State  | Info
| 2755442 | narnett | localhost       | narnett_clar2 | Query   |    0 |
NULL   | show processlist
| 2764186 | narnett | localhost:54940 | narnett_clar2 | Query   |  547 |
Locked | UPDATE `fm_posting` SET `author_id` = 5860, `posted` = '2009-09-28
00:00:00', `body` = 'This is the  |

Anybody have suggestions for tracking this down?


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