I'm in the processes of customizing the contrib.admin module to add a
few reporting features that we need, specifically the ability to dump
the current filtered view to some other format, say CSV.

I found a post on django-snippets (http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/
1792/) that seems like it should work, but when I try to use it I get
the "got multiple values for keyword argument" error. I can't figure
out where the error is as I know how URLconfs pass parameters to
views, but for some reason I can't get this error to go away.

I've already modified the admin module to use the local copies rather
than pulling from django.contrib.admin so i don't get any cross-config

Here's my urlconf line for the export (admin is the local modified
copy of django.contrib.admin):

(r'^inventory/(.*)/(.*)/export/$', admin.site.admin_view(export),
{ 'format': 'csv', 'admin_site': admin.site }),

Here's the definition of my view:

def export(request, app_label, model_name, format, admin_site):

Any ideas on what might be happening or perhaps a better solution? I'm
on Django 1.2.3 release. Without this URLconf line, the entire admin
site works great and has no issues. I already tried creating a custom
action but I don't want to only export selected records, but rather
all records in the current view including any records on hidden pages
if the view is paginated.


- Russ B.

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