On Nov 2, 4:50 am, Tom Evans <tevans...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 9:07 AM, andy <flowar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I recently tried to send the following in a test password email from a
> > site I am creating:
> > <h1>This is a test reset password email.</h1>
> > However when I received the email it displayed the "<h1>This is a test
> > reset password email.</h1>".
> > My question is how can I send a styled email using html tags and
> > possibly even css when using the password_reset_email.html template
> > that goes with django's view.password_reset?
> I don't know about the specifics of your particular issues, but to
> send HTML emails:
> Create an instance of django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives, passing
> in your subject, text version of the email, from address, list of
> recipients. Render your HTML version of the email, and attach it to
> the email, and then send it.
> eg:
> from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
> msg = EmailMultiAlternatives('Subject', 'This is the text version',
> 'f...@address.com', [ 'recipie...@address.com',])
> html_version = ...
> msg.attach_alternative(html_version, 'text/html')
> msg.send()
> There are lots of 'gotchas' when sending HTML email. Don't expect
> externally referenced resources to be available, don't expect styles
> to work correctly in all UAs, don't expect any JS to work.
> Cheers
> Tom

Thanks for the reply, Django password_reset view used send_mail()
which seem to send only text. apparently you have to use
EmailMultiAlternatives as you pointed out to send html content guess I
will have to create my own view and use this instead if I want to send
html. Then again it is probably a good idea to send password reset
information in plant text. Since it pretty any email client would be
able to read plain text.

Thanks again


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