Hi Rajeshwar,

On Jul 26, 2006, at 5:42 AM, Rajeshwar Singh Jenwar wrote:

> Hi Bruno,
> I m using mysql-standard-5.0.22-linux-i686 and MySQL-python-1.2.1_p2.
> Are they not compatible ? Please suggest something. All i want to  
> setup djnago environment and start developing my website.

I'm a bit late on this thread, maybe you got it sorted already, but..

It looks like you installed MySQL in /usr/local (or somewhere else)  
for a tar ball (tar.gz). You should really install the generic RPMs,  
which you can download from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads.

Check what you have now:
   shell> rpm -qa | grep mysql
Notice 'mysql' in lowercase. If this returns anything, you are still  
using the packages coming with your distribution. Not saying this is  
bad, but it's better to use the packages provided by MySQL AB. These  
RPM packages have uppercases: 'MySQL'.

If you still have distribution packages installed, I think you can  
simply 'upgrade' by doing following, when you are in the directory  
with all the downloaded generic RPMs:
   shell> rpm -U MySQL*.rpm

Note: You should stay in the same version as your distribution. If  
Fedora or Red Hat came with 4.1, you should use 4.1. This is because  
things like PHP et al. are linked against 4.1 libmysqlclient.

Hope this helps,


Geert Vanderkelen

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