On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 2:22 PM, Mathieu Leduc-Hamel <marra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm working on a e-commerce website and to make it work better we've
> implemented a couple of caching strategy. But i was wondering, in our
> system, we are using the cache middleware and the decorator to mark
> some views as cacheable.
> But, loading multiple times the same view, it seems there's some
> activities on the database side.
> I don't understand why,
> The view is very simple and we've just put something like that:
> @cache_page(3600)
> def category(request, template=...)
> What's used there as key in the cache ? What's not working ? I've
> already configure the middleware and make sure memcached is working
> properly.
> What's not working ?

Is the page big? Memache refuses to cache items larger than 1 MB.

You could place some debug into FetchFromCacheMiddleware
(django/middleware/cache.py) to see if you are getting cache hits.



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