On 11/15/10 08:54, kelp wrote:
> Hello,
> So I have downloaded Django and put the folder into my /home/username/
> directory, and I ran setup.py. I played with Django a little bit, but
> it turns out that I haven't actually been using the newest, stable
> version of Django (1.2.3), but I have been using 1.1. The django I
> have been using appears to be located in this directory:
> /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/django
> Can i just delete this directory and paste the django directory from
> the 1.2.3 version into the python2.6 directory? Will everything be
> fine and dandy?

try start from using the mkvirtualenv
it will help you now and in the future
there is no need for a machine wide django installation

I'm writing these commands from the memory, please correct if needed

as root do:
$> easy_install pip
$> pip install virtualenv
$> pip install mkvirtualenv

then for general working with django you can
$> mkvirtualenv django --no-site-packages
it will create a clean virtual environment with python installed
it will also switch it on, so your prompt will have it's name
install django with
(django)$> pip install Django
you'd need to install other packages if you need them

if you want to switch to this environment in different terminal simply
$> workon django
(django) $>

to switch off the environment:
(django) $> deactivate

it is good because you may have a lot of these, you may test newer
django versions without installing it for the whole computer. you may
also (and that's the best part) have the separate virtual environment
for every project.

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