On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 2:59 AM, Cek <fran.hrzen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all!
> I'm quite new to Django, and this is my first post to this group, so
> pls excuse and correct me if it's the wrong place or something like
> that.

You've got the right place. Welcome!

> I am trying to use eav-django (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/eav-
> django), but it won't work because of Ticket #14471 (http://
> code.djangoproject.com/ticket/14471). Now, since the ticket in
> question is "closed: fixed", I was wondering is there a way to apply
> the fix now, and skip the wait for 1.3 release?
> I have applied changes that are marked in the backport (http://
> code.djangoproject.com/changeset/14390), but nothing has changed. Both
> eav-django and test.py attached to the ticket throw the same error.
> However, I only applied changes to django/db/models/fields/related.py,
> because I couldn't find the other two files. Are they relevant at all?
> What else can I try to make it work?

The other two files aren't essential for the code to work -- they are
just test code that validates that the changes in the first file do
what they say they should. If you've only got the main Django source
directory deployed (e.g., if you've done a setup.py install, or
installed via pip/easy_install/rpm/apt) then you probably don't have
the multiple_database/models.py or multiple_database/test.py files.

So - if you've correctly applied the changes to
django/db/models/fields/related.py, that should be all you need to do
in order to fix the problem described by #14471. If you're still
seeing a problem, then either:
 1) you haven't applied the patch correctly
 2) you haven't applied the patch to the Django version that is actually in use
 3) you have found an edge case of #14471 that r14390 didn't address.

To test 1 and 2, try putting a print statement in your patched code
somewhere near an edited line; when you run your project code, you
should see that print statement whenever you call create or
get_or_create on a m2m object.

If the problem is 3, you'll need to do some more debugging to work out
exactly what is going on.

Russ Magee %-)

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