Forgot to add :

The problem can be avoided if both set of values are first normalized,
as :

>>> Decimal('0.50').normalize()

Perhaps this should be internally taken care of, instead of relying on
the user to normalize it?

On Nov 27, 1:04 pm, ethereon <> wrote:
> In brief, a [Typed]ChoiceField can reject a valid choice of type
> Decimal because it is incorrectly compared using smart_unicode.
> Decimal('0.5')==Decimal('0.50') is true, while '0.5'=='0.50' is false.
> Verbosely, consider a model defined like so :
>     class Foo(models.Model):
>         BAR_CHOICES = (
>             (Decimal('0.25'), 'quarter'),
>             (Decimal('0.50'), 'unit')
>         )
>         bar = models.DecimalField(max_digits=4, decimal_places=2,
> choices = BAR_CHOICES)
> and a ModelForm based on it :
>     class FooForm(forms.ModelForm):
>         class Meta:
>             model = models.Foo
> Now :
>     >> FooForm({'bar':'0.50'}).is_valid()
>     true
>     >> FooForm({'bar':'0.5'}).is_valid()
>     false # errors = {'bar': [u'Select a valid choice. 0.5 is not one
> of the available choices.']}
> This issue might arise when the choices are dynamically generated, as
> Python isn't rigorous about trailing zeros :
>     >>> Decimal('1.0') + Decimal('0.5')
>     Decimal('1.5')
>     >>> Decimal('1.0') + Decimal('0.50')
>     Decimal('1.50')

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