On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 3:23 PM, Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Weird.  From what I can tell, this seems to have something to do with
> Cygwin, or at least I'm able to replicate it in that environment.
> Setting NLS_LANG in or out of process and changing the registry key
> all have no effect.

The actual problem is described here:


and from the cx-oracle-users mailing list comes this suggestion:

>>> import ctypes
>>> ctypes.CDLL('kernel32').SetEnvironmentVariableA('NLS_LANG', '.UTF8')

I've tried it, and it works.  I suggest patching the above into your
django/db/backends/oracle/base.py file, in place of the line:

os.environ['NLS_LANG'] = '.UTF8'


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