
I have this models:


class Galeria(models.Model):
class Foto(models.Model):
    galeria = models.ForeignKey(Galeria, null=False)


class FotoInline(admin.StackedInline):
    model = Foto
class GaleriaAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = [FotoInline, VideoInline]
admin.site.register(Galeria, GaleriaAdmin)

When a galeria is saved in the django administration, I want to perform
a validation that involves his fotos. ..

They are edited at the same time because I use inline in the admin.

But cannot do that in Galeria.save, nor GaleriaAdmin.save_model, nor in
a postsave event from galeria, because at the time it is called the
fotos have not been saved yet.

Where should I do it the validation?
Have to define a GaleriaForm and do something there?

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