
You need to get it working in the dev server first, as you'll need that to debug with (I think).

You need to modify the pythonpath so it can see your code.

Modify manage.py in (1) and try running the dev server with:

  python manage.py runserver.

You'll need something like this at the top of manage.py

  import sys
sys.path = ['/path/to/web/sites/mysite', '/path/to/web/sites/app'] + sys.path


On 17/12/10 15:03, MLG wrote:
Hi Tim,

Thank you for your prompt response.

The "runserver --noreload" is in place as well in the arguments tab. I
have already set this option. The truth is that i haven't tried to run
the application in the development server but directly in the apache.

The structure is as follow:

The (1) is the main project which will contain a lot of applications
(INSTALLED_APPS). Also, it has the manage.py, settings.py, urls.py,
(2) is the "basesite" application. It contains only urls.py. models.py
and media_urls.py at this time (no manage.py - not sure if this is the

Thank you.


On Dec 17, 4:51 pm, "Tim Sawyer"<list.dja...@calidris.co.uk>  wrote:
Here's my instructions for debugging in PyDev, hope that helps:


This is done using the development server, not Apache, from within Eclipse.

Does your app work in the development server?



I am new to Django trying to port a web site from PHP to Django. I use
Apache web server and I have a problem with the debugging. I use
Aptana PyDev as IDE and i want to use the debugger in the toolbar. I
define the workspace in the the debug configuration as well as the
main module (manage.py). I have 2 APPS defined in INSTALLED_APPS in
settings.py. For example the names of the apps are: "basesite" and
"mysite". "mysite" app is located in the current directory, which
contains manage.py, settings.py, urls.py, etc. On the other hand,
"basesite" is located in another path (../../apps/basesite/). When i
click on Debug, i get an error: "Error no module name basesite". It
seems that it is not visible.
However, the application works properly in a run mode (not debug)
using the apache web server. The only issue is that i do not know what
i have to configure or what i miss in the debugging...

I would appreciate if you could help me.

Thank you in advance!


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