On 29/12/10 Emmanuel Mayssat said:

> I was looking at a possibility of using manage.py dumpscript and
> manage.py runscript
> from django-extensions. But it is not straight forward either.

dumpdata/loaddata is quite simple, I recently used it myself. Torsten
suggested that there's a problem using it with large data sets. I have not
seen this myself.

> Wasn't django supposed to be database agnostic?

Yeah, and ANSI C was supposed to be platform independent. And so was Java. And
Python. And...

> Now, I understand what they really meant.
> Pick you database carefully and stick with it.
> But django code is not database specific.
> ...
> For one second, I though django was the holy grail of all web frameworks
> ...

If anyone claims a holy grail, they are selling you something.


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