I have to correct myself:

It still doesnt find "testapp", so nothing has changed :(

On 7 Jan., 14:53, Thomas M <tome2...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Ok, I've called the sittings file with "bellcher.settings" and moved
> it into the projects root folder.
> Now there are no Error Mesages anymore but django still wont work.
> If I access the server's IP I am getting a "500 - Internal Server
> Error"
> I've posted my Server Configuration above. Do you have any Ideas?
> BTW: the testapp doesnt do very much, it just returns a HttpResponse
> so I can test the server.
> Thanks, Thomas
> On 7 Jan., 14:39, Tonton <to.ton...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > hello i am not sure if i can help you but from my config
> > use
> > os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "bellcher.settings"  (like in
> > installed apps)
> > or mv django.wsgi in /Bellcher
> > WSGIScriptAlias / /www/django/bellcher/django.wsgi
> > regards
> > On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Thomas M <tome2...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I've just set up a server with apache2 and mod_wsgi.
> > > Now I want to run django on this Server but it crashes with this error
> > > message:
> > > "TemplateSyntaxError: Caught ImportError while rendering: No module
> > > named testapp"
> > > I've configured the Server this way:
> > > My django code is in:
> > > /www/django/bellcher/
> > > so the app "testapp" is in /www/django/bellcher/testapp and has an
> > > __init__.py
> > > My WSGI Script:
> > > #!/usr/local/bin/python
> > > import os, sys
> > > sys.path.append("/www/django/")
> > > sys.path.append("/www/django/bellcher/")
> > > os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "settings"
> > > os.environ["PYTHON_EGG_CACHE"] = "/tmp"
> > > import django.core.handlers.wsgi
> > > application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()
> > > And my Apache configuration:
> > > <Directory "/www/django/bellcher/media">
> > >        Order deny,allow
> > >        Allow from all
> > > </Directory>
> > > <Directory "/www/django/bellcher">
> > >        AllowOverride All
> > >        Order deny,allow
> > >        Allow from all
> > > </Directory>
> > > Alias /media/ /www/django/bellcher/media/
> > > ServerAdmin t...@gmx.de
> > > ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/django_error.log"
> > > CustomLog "/var/log/apache2/django_access.log" common
> > > WSGIScriptAlias / /www/django/bellcher/apache/django.wsgi
> > > I dont think that my server configuration causes the problem, because
> > > I've tried configuring the server with the help of several tutorials.
> > > And every try ended up with this error.
> > > Can somebody please help me with this issue?
> > > Much thanks in advance,
> > > Thomas M
> > > --
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